重新认识 load 方法

Mar 22, 2021


The load message is sent to classes and categories that are both dynamically loaded and statically linked, but only if the newly loaded class or category implements a method that can respond.
The order of initialization is as follows:
  1. All initializers in any framework you link to.
  1. All +load methods in your image.
  1. All C++ static initializers and C/C++ __attribute__(constructor) functions in your image.
  1. All initializers in frameworks that link to you.
load_method_t load_method = (load_method_t)classes[i].method; (*load_method)(cls, @selector(load));
load_method_t load_method = (load_method_t)cats[i].method; cls = _category_getClass(cat); (*load_method)(cls, @selector(load));
do { // 1. Repeatedly call class +loads until there aren't any more while (loadable_classes_used > 0) { call_class_loads(); } // 2. Call category +loads ONCE more_categories = call_category_loads(); // 3. Run more +loads if there are classes OR more untried categories } while (loadable_classes_used > 0 || more_categories);
// Ensure superclass-first ordering schedule_class_load(cls->getSuperclass());
classref_t const *classlist = _getObjc2NonlazyClassList(mhdr, &count); category_t * const *categorylist = _getObjc2NonlazyCategoryList(mhdr, &count);
/*********************************************************************** * load_images * Process +load in the given images which are being mapped in by dyld. **********************************************************************/ void load_images(const char *path __unused, const struct mach_header *mh)
// class +load has been called #define RW_LOADED (1<<23) static void schedule_class_load(Class cls) { if (!cls) return; ASSERT(cls->isRealized()); // _read_images should realize if (cls->data()->flags & RW_LOADED) return; // Ensure superclass-first ordering schedule_class_load(cls->getSuperclass()); add_class_to_loadable_list(cls); cls->setInfo(RW_LOADED); }
// List of classes that need +load called (pending superclass +load) // This list always has superclasses first because of the way it is constructed static struct loadable_class *loadable_classes = nil; static int loadable_classes_used = 0; static int loadable_classes_allocated = 0; // List of categories that need +load called (pending parent class +load) static struct loadable_category *loadable_categories = nil; static int loadable_categories_used = 0; static int loadable_categories_allocated = 0;

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